Privacy statement
Privacy statement Miss Betty L’Amour
Miss Betty L’Amour may process the following data about you, through the use of the contact form on the website or your purchasing of products and/or services from Betty L’Amour:
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- IP address
Any other data you disclose in your message (like a phone number), which is considered personal data under relevant data privacy laws, will be treated the same as the specified data elements stated above.
Why Miss Betty L’Amour needs to process your personal data
Miss Betty L’Amour processes your personal data in order to respond to your questions and inquiries, or to define details on performance bookings, workshop bookings, model bookings or production appointments.
How long Miss Betty L’Amour keeps your data
Miss Betty L’Amour will not keep your personal longer than necessary to reach the goals your personal data is collected for. Your personal data will not be stored longer than 1 year if we do not come to an agreement.
Sharing your personal data
Miss Betty L’Amour will not share your personal data with third parties unless this is required to fulfil the agreed obligation to you, or if this is legally required.
Links to other websites
Miss Betty L’Amours website sometimes links to other websites. Please take into consideration that when you click such a link, you move to another website with its own privacy policy for which Miss Betty L’Amour is not responsible nor liable.
Website visitor behavior
Miss Betty L’Amour uses Google Analytics to keep track of how visitors use the website. General visitor behavior data is collected, among which are the IP address from your computer and the time of retrieval and other data your browser sends. This data is used for analysis of visitor and click behavior on the website. Miss Betty L’Amour uses this information to improve the operation of its website. The obtained information, including the address of your computer (IP address) is anonymized as much as possible, is transferred to and saved by Google on servers in The United States of America. Read the privacy policy of Google for more information about this. There you will also find the privacy policy of Google Analytics. Google can provide this information to third parties if Google is obliged to do so by law, or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Miss Betty L’Amour has no influence on this
Miss Betty L’Amour uses functional, analytic and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit a website. Miss Betty L’Amour uses cookies with a technical functionality which make sure the websites works properly. They can also be used to optimize the website. When you first visited this website, Miss Betty L’Amour already informed you about these cookies and asked for permission to place them. You can always sign out of the cookie agreement by changing the settings of your internet browser so it will no longer save the cookies. It is also possible to delete any previously saved data through the settings menu of your browser.
See, customize or remove your data
You are entitled to see, correct or remove your personal data. You can send a request for inspection, correction or removal to
Miss Betty L’Amour will respond to your request as soon as possible, but within 4 weeks.
Data security
Miss Betty L’Amour takes the protection of your personal data seriously and uses adequate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. Miss Betty L’Amour’s website uses a reliable SSL certificate to ensure that your data does not fall into the wrong hands. If you have the impression that your data is not secure or if you have any indications of abuse or if you want more information about the security of by Miss Betty L’Amour obtained personal data, please contact Miss Betty L’Amour. is a website hosted by squarespace.
You can reach Miss Betty L’Amour via:
Mailing address: Griegstraat 90, 5011 HR, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Business address: Griegstraat 90, 5011 HR, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Registration number Dutch Chamber of Commerce: 82545235
Telephone number: +31(0)622354151
Email address: